Jack of All Trades, Master of One: Being Me!
RV Awning Tension Adjustment
115K Views, 20 Favorites
Simple Steps to Give Your Robot Personality
3.9K Views, 12 Favorites
United States Photo Map
32K Views, 75 Favorites
IoT Coffee Pot Monitor
18K Views, 103 Favorites
Direct Reading of LCD Using General Purpose IO
29K Views, 60 Favorites
IoT Motion Controlled Servos
47K Views, 189 Favorites
AVR Dual RGB Matrix Driver
7.8K Views, 62 Favorites
Creating IoT Devices With the ESP8266 and PubNub
22K Views, 73 Favorites
Manual Garage Door Lock
11K Views, 22 Favorites
Truck Bed Utility Rack
116K Views, 331 Favorites
Closet Door Clamping Tie Rack
8.7K Views, 85 Favorites
Banana Bread Muffins
113K Views, 197 Favorites
Lysol No-Touch Soap Dispenser Refills
62K Views, 33 Favorites
Bicycle Bell Fix
48K Views, 19 Favorites
EReader Cover Mod for B&N Nook
6.0K Views, 16 Favorites
Reed Switch Reverse Actuation
11K Views, 10 Favorites
Heart in Your Hands LED Box
1.5K Views, 0 Favorites
Zener Diode Shunt Regulator
135K Views, 66 Favorites
Salvaging Broken Safety Glasses
6.7K Views, 41 Favorites
Cookie Dough Truffles
4.3K Views, 72 Favorites
Buick Instrument Panel Cluster Repair
194K Views, 26 Favorites
Custom RCA Cables
14K Views, 16 Favorites
DIY Large LED Lit 7 Segment Display
75K Views, 71 Favorites
LED Tester - Simple
8.0K Views, 18 Favorites
Doubled Sided Printing at Home
62K Views, 5 Favorites
Push Light Momentary Button Hack
10K Views, 17 Favorites
DIY Heat Gun Reflector
17K Views, 49 Favorites
Simple Test LEDs
881 Views, 5 Favorites
Customizable Chicken Casserole
16K Views, 51 Favorites
Office Supplies Airplane
24K Views, 28 Favorites
Blogger Categorical Post Tabs
73K Views, 8 Favorites
RV Stabilizer Rods
38K Views, 57 Favorites
AVR ISP Breadboard Header
12K Views, 11 Favorites
Custom LED Touch Light Fixture
22K Views, 60 Favorites